


这是一个充满挑战和不安的时代. 以色列和巴勒斯坦无辜生命的悲惨损失, 校园内的破坏和仇恨言论, 现在比以往任何时候都重要, it is important that we all do our part to ensure that the University of Rochester remains a place where thoughtful and respectful discussions flourish in accordance with our Meliora值.

总统Mangelsdorf, 教务长Figlio, 约翰·布莱克希尔, 负责学生生活的大学副校长, 对校园里发生的事情很感兴趣吗. Together, they are committed to the safety, security, and well-being of all our students. 它们同样重要 encouraged by the care and consideration shown in our 校园 community and remind us that anti-Semitism, 伊斯兰恐惧症, 种族歧视, 以及其他形式的基于宗教的仇恨, 种族, 或者个人身份没有 网赌论坛有哪些的地方.

This page offers important resources for all University of Rochester students. 我们鼓励你复习 the programs and 服务 that are available to you during this difficult time.




Participating in protests or public observances is one way for students to share 他们的声音和表达他们的感情. 随着国际上的紧张局势持续升级,甚至就在这里 校园, it is essential that Rochester be a place where disagreements and differences of opinion continue to 与他人进行尊重和开放的对话.

学生 wishing to organize a peaceful rally, vigil, protest or other public gathering on 校园 are expected to learn about support available for these events, 复习一下钥匙 运行一个安全和有效的事件的要点.


如果您正在策划活动,请联系 学院院长办公室 学生 on River Campus for the latest organizational guidance and information about 允许的地点、行动和讲话.

If your event is not planned for River Campus, the 学院院长办公室 学生 can provide the name of the individual on a particular 校园 (伊士曼音乐学院, 医学院 & 牙科医生)你需要提前和他谈谈. 总的来说,大学领导已经准备好与你见面 讨论活动计划和协议. 大学领导也可以互相见面 尊重地谈论任何学生关心的问题.

联络办事处 学生主任


Members of the University community are permitted to use our 校园 spaces to 和平抗议或集会, 但出于安全原因,大学不能接纳来自校外的团体 想要举办类似活动的机构.

因此, it is required that any planned 校园 event has at least one identified student who can serve as lead event organizer and be someone that University officials can stay in contact with throughout the event planning and on the day of the gathering. 有一个学生组织者 builds mutual understanding about the parameters of an event and helps prevent any misunderstandings. 的 活动组织者的身份将被保密. 这只是问,所以我们可以共同努力,创造一个 安全经验.

在River校区,联系人必须注册活动 至少提前三个工作日 with the 学院院长办公室 学生 and must be present at the event as a contact responsible for all activities. 学生 organizers on record will be held responsible for failing to take reasonable steps to prevent participants from violating the 学生行为准则 or protest policies, while students, 工作人员, and faculty are accountable for their own actions.

熟悉学校的政策 围绕校园言论自由

的 University of Rochester stands firmly against anti-Semitism, 伊斯兰恐惧症, 以及其他形式的基于种族,宗教,民族的仇恨.

We urge all members of the 校园 community to be mindful and responsible in the 行使言论自由. University of Rochester leaders are particularly concerned about language that calls for or incites violence, or seeks the elimination of any group of people. 它在我们的 是不可接受的. 即使这种语言不符合威胁或 煽动, it causes fear and concern among members of the University community and is incompatible with 网赌论坛有哪些的价值观.

看到 学生 反对歧视和骚扰政策.

优先考虑你自己的安全和幸福 其他人

如果你正在经历或目睹偏见或骚扰——包括言语上的 confrontations or through online postings or through social media— you can complete a 偏见相关事件报告, or 如果发生紧急情况,请立即联系公共安全部门.

如果参加或观察抗议或类似的集会,请保持警惕 周围环境和事态升级的迹象, 为了你的安全,考虑和朋友或团体一起参加.


的 University is continuing to offer programming and events for students and members of the University community who want to engage in current topics in meaningful and constructive 方法.


大学咨询 中心(UCC) has been holding virtual drop-in sessions focused on the Israel/Gaza conflict, 以及种族主义和最近校园里的反黑人破坏行为. 这些小组咨询是开放给 并在每日电子通讯@Rochester中公布, 以及UCC的社交频道.


编程工作由 公平与包容办公室 in 正在发展与其他部门的合作, 办公室要求学生们参与进来 在规划中. If interested, contact the 公平与包容办公室 at (585) 275-2125, or stop by 140 沃利斯厅. Program information will be promoted in @Rochester, student newsletters, and on the 大学的日历.